Energy Management in Marine Engineering: We understand and can model your marine engineering platform for identifying the deficiences for energy management for your cost saving.
Ship Systems and Energy Management for Performance and Cost Savings
Posted in GDS Engineering Services, GDS Products - Ship ERS (SERS), Main Engine Performance, Marine Engineering Education and Training (MET), Marine Engines, Maritime Education and Training Simulators, Ship Main Engine Performance and tagged Academic, Assessment, Certification, Class NK, Competencies, Denizcilik 4.0, Digital Twin, Dr Cicek, Energy, Energy Balance Equation, Energy Efficiency, Energy Management, Engine Room, Engine Room Simulator (ERS), Environmental Management, Environmental Testing, Equipment, ERS, Evaluation Method, GDS, GDS Mühendislik ARGE, Gemi Enerji Verimliliği, Gemi Sevk Sistemleri, Global, Global Dynamic Systems, IMO Model Course 2.07, IMO STCW 2010, IMO STCW 2010 Standards for Training and Certification of Watchkeeping, Industry 4.0, Instructor, Ismail Cicek, Management Level, Marine Diesel Engines, Marine Engineering, Maritime, Maritime Education and Training (MET), Mechanical, MIL-STD-810H, Objective Assessment, Operational Level, PI&D, Project, Quality, SERS, Ship Control Systems, Ship ERS, Ship Propulsion, Simulation, Simulator, Student, Sunken Diagram, Systems, Systems Engineering, Trainer, Training, Training on MIL-STD-810H Testing.