Technical Proficiency: The GDS simulator helps personnel develop advanced skills in troubleshooting and maintaining complex machinery, which is crucial for achieving SIRE 2.0’s standards for operational excellence. Environmental Compliance: With a growing emphasis on environmental regulations, the simulator enables crew members to familiarize themselves with compliance standards and practice procedures that reduce environmental impact, such as optimizing fuel usage and managing waste effectively. Safety Protocols: Through realistic training scenarios, the simulator reinforces safety protocols, ensuring that personnel can identify and mitigate risks, which is a core component of the SIRE 2.0 inspection program.

GDS SERS™ Makes IMO Engine Room Resource Management (ERM) Certificate Trainings Conducted Efficiently and Effectively

Description of an ERM Training

Engine Room Resource Management (ERM) is a system of achieving safe engineering operations by proactively utilizing and managing personnel, equipment, and information in the machinery space. A review the team roles, human factors, and situational awareness is required to plan and implement a proper ERM program. Remember, good ERM practices can save personnel and vessels from unwanted risks.

The course complies with the standards of Regulation III/1, III/2, III/6 and VIII/2 of STCW Convention, Section A-III/1, III/2, III/6, A-VIII/2 and B-VIII/2 of STCW Code and SIRE requirements.

Topics in a ERM training includes

  • Learn about effective resource allocation including crew, plant, equipment, and information management
  • Understand the leadership responsibilities of the Chief Engineer, including staff training and motivation, preventing crew fatigue, and conducting appropriate drills
  • Review individual and team roles, and how to reduce human error using situational awareness and closed loop communication
  • See engine room equipment functions and standard operating procedures

Relevance of this Training with existing IMO Model Courses

This course includes the topics using the guidance provided by the following IMO Model Courses.

  • IMO Model Course 7.02 Chief Engineer Officer and Second Engineer Officer
  • IMO Model Course 7.04 Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch
  • IMO Model Course 2.07 Engine Rooms Simulator. 2017 Ed.
  • IMO Model Course 1.39 Leadership and Teamwork
  • IMO Model Course 1.38 Marine Environmental Awareness

Referenced Documents

The following documents must be used along with this document for effectively planning and providing an ERM training.

GDS SERS User Manuals and Documents

  • User Manual Vol I (SERS Software Description) describe the SERS software with the SERS Graphical User Interface (GUI) Panels accessed from the SERS Main Graphical User Interface (GUI) Panel.
  • User Manual Volume II (Engine Room Operations) includes the operational instructions on how to operate the engine room systems and machinery using the SERS.
  • User Manual Vol III (Installation & Configuration) describes the installation and the configuration of software and hardware items
  • This manual, User Manual Volume IV (Instructor’s Manual), includes guides and information for the instructors to utilize SERS in their trainings according to their specific training objectives.
  • Refer to “SERS Philosophy Document” for selecting the configuration of the SERS for your training objectives.  Then use Vol. III for the proper installation of the SERS and reading the configuration guidelines.

External Referenced Documens

  • IMO Model Course 7.02 Chief Engineer Officer and Second Engineer Officer
  • IMO Model Course 7.04 Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch
  • IMO Model Course 2.07 Engine Rooms Simulator. 2017 Ed.
  • IMO Model Course 1.39 Leadership and Teamwork
  • IMO Model Course 1.38 Marine Environmental Awareness


Engine Room Resource Management (ERM) is a system of achieving safe engineering operations by proactively utilizing and managing personnel, equipment, and information in the machinery space. A review the team roles, human factors, and situational awareness is required to plan and implement a proper ERM program. Remember, good ERM practices can save personnel and vessels from unwanted risks.

The course complies with the standards of Regulation III/1, III/2, III/6 and VIII/2 of STCW Convention, Section A-III/1, III/2, III/6, A-VIII/2 and B-VIII/2 of STCW Code and SIRE requirements.

The course is aimed at officers of the engineering watch (operational level), 2nd Engineer and Chief Engineer (management level).

The course is a mix of theory case studies and simulation exercise covering topics below. The following are the four main areas to cover in an ERM training:

GDS SERS IMO Engine Room Resource Management Course Model 2.07 IMO. Certification Training. Marine Engineering Cadets. Class Regulations.
  • RESOURCE ALLOCATION: Effective resource allocation including crew, plant, equipment, and information management.
  • LEADERSHIP: The leadership responsibilities of the Chief Engineer, including staff training and motivation, preventing crew fatigue, and conducting appropriate drills
  • TEAM ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: The roles and responsibilities for both individuals and team. Planning and execution must be reviewed with past experiences with the aim of reducing human error using situational awareness and closed loop communication.
  • TECHNICAL OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT: A study with a thorough review of equipment functions, standard operating procedures including safety procedures.

Designing your ERM Training with SERS

In this section, we provide a guidance on how to design an IMO ERM training with step by step approach. We hope that it helps you provide an effective training for your cadets or engineers already working onboard.

1. Certification of the Simulator

Certification of the simulator is highly important. You must ensure that it has all capabilities to provide the capabilities training based on STCW 2010. As for the ERM training, the simulator must be capable of demonstrating the IMO Model Course (2.07) exercises.

GDS Ship Engine Room Simulator (SERS™) is a Training Simulator System with a Full Mission (Class A) type approval certificate obtained from ClassNK. ClassNK is an IACS affiliate Classification Organization. Certificate of SERS™ lists the IMO STCW 2010 competencies, as provided in Table 1, which includes the compliance to IMO STCW Tables A-III. The class certification of SERS includes the IMO Model Course 2.07 (207) Ed.). The trainee is able to perform all exercises contained in the IMO Model Course 2.07. All exercises were demonstrated during the Class Type Approval.

Table 1: SERS™ Certification Items for STCW Training Competencies.

IMO STCW-2010 ReferenceCompetence
Table A-III/1.1Maintain a safe engineering watch
Table A-III/1.2Use English in written and oral form
Table A-III/1.3Use internal communication systems
Table A-III/1.4Operate main and auxiliary machinery and associated control systems
Table A-III/1.5Operate fuel, lubrication, ballast and other pumping systems and associated control systems
Table A-III/1.6Operate electrical, electronic and control systems
Table A-III/1.10Ensure compliance with pollution prevention requirements
Table A-III/1.11Maintain seaworthiness of the ship
Table A-III/1.12Prevent, control and fight fires on board
Table A-III/1.16Application of leadership and team working skills
Table A-III/2.1Manage the operation of propulsion plant machinery
Table A-III/2.2Plan and schedule operations
Table A-III/2.3Operation, surveillance, performance assessment and maintaining safety of propulsion plant and auxiliary Machinery
Table A-III/2.4Manage fuel, lubrication and ballast operations
Table A-III/2.5Manage operation of electrical and electronic control equipment
Table A-III/2.6Manage troubleshooting restoration of electrical and electronic control equipment to operating condition
Table A-III/2.8Detect and identify the cause of machinery malfunctions and correct faults
Table A-III/2.10Control trim, stability and stress
Table A-III/2.11Monitor and control compliance with legislative requirements and measures to ensure safety of life at sea and protection of the marine environment
Table A-III/2.14Use leadership and managerial skills
Table A-III/4.2For keeping a boiler watch: Maintain the correct water levels and steam pressures
Table A-III/6.1Monitor the operation of electrical, electronic and control systems
Table A-III/6.2Monitor the operation of automatic control systems of propulsion and auxiliary machinery
Table A-III/6.3Operate generators and distribution systems
Table A-III/6.4Operate and maintain power systems in excess of 1,000 volts
Table A-III/6.5Operate computers and computer networks on ships
Table A-III/6.7Use internal communication systems
Table A-III/6.9Maintenance and repair of automation and control systems of main propulsion and auxiliary machinery
Table A-III/6.12Ensure compliance with pollution-prevention requirements

2. Simulator Detail Specs

This is probably the most tricky part. Some simulators could be cheap (!) and may be simulating the systems at a very high level. Does it have a main engine lubricating oil system? Probably yes. Does it satisfy the IMO competencies. Well this is the tricky part. It must have the LO Temperature Control System appropariately and realistically simulating the systems. We gave a simple example. Most trainers learn the specifics of the simulator after some experience of using it and become aware of the isues that prevent providing an efficient engine room simulator training. This may not be of an issue for a freshman level students; however, it becomes important when trainees are already completed their training onboard a ship and that they completed their marine engine engineering courses (Diesel Engines, Ship Auxiliary Engines, Electrical Systems, Automatic Control Systems, etc.). Additionally, the models and simulated systems has critical importance when the trainees are the personnel already have experience onboard a ship. Usually, the trainees in an ERM course will be watchkeeping officers or even chief engineers and they will probably critisize the training if the simulations are not realistic!

We have written the full specifications list for an engine room simulator, generalized with a focus on how it must help the instructors in the training. We went through each section of both the IMO STCW 2010 and IMO Model Course 2.07 and ensure the full list is at hand with the training in focus. Do not hesitate to request a copy if you are establishing an engine room training facility. We will be glad to help as trainers with ERS training experience of more than 20 years.

We should warn you that you must prepare the requirements for purchasing an Engine Room Simulator not the manufacturer.

3. Simulator Configurations

The training area must be organized with a focus into the training goals and objectives. The number of students to train at once is also an important element.

There are two examples of simulator configırations shown with the following figures. You must define your objectives first and ensure that a satisfactory number of stations and area is provided during the training.

ERS Training Plant GDS Engineering Inc SERS Full Mission Engine Room Simulator Layout and Equipment Arrangement
ERS Training Plant GDS Engineering Inc SERS Full Mission Engine Room Simulator Layout and Equipment Arrangement
Online Training on RTCA-DO-160G Environmental Testing of Products, Airborne Equipmen for Platform Qualification. Provided by GDS Engineering R&D, Systems Engineering Products and Solutions. Training Led by a Live US-based Sr. Instructor: Dr. Ismail Cicek. Product Verification and Validation Courses for Integrated Systems.

Equipment Certification Process for Commercial Aircraft

FAA provides guides for exlaining the equipment process in the guide document called “THE FAA AND INDUSTRY GUIDE TO PRODUCT CERTIFICATION (CPI Guide), 3rd Ed.”. The document intends to inform the industry with the certification process to improve safety, teamwork, planning, accountability, quality, and continues improvement.

This post is to summarize the important sections of this document for an overview. The complete manuscript should be referred for formal studies and initiations.

The most important message given in this document is that the certification process requires partnership for ensuring the safety. Elements of ensuring safety is self evaluating the compliance level through Compliance Maturity and arranging partnership with FAA through the Partnership for Safety Plan as layed out in the aforementioned document.

Compliance Maturity

FAA desribes the compliance maturity as a measure of the ability of an Applicant to perform the required compliance activities with a minimum level of FAA involvement. It provides the FAA with the assurance that they can move from direct involvement on most project tasks to an oversight role. There is an expectation that Industry will embrace a compliance maturity culture of ever advancing compliance competencies.

Partnership for Safety Plan

The PSP is a written “umbrella” agreement between the FAA and the Applicant that focuses on high level objectives such as open and effective communication, key principles including effective certification programs utilizing the Project Specific Certification Plan (PSCP), designee utilization if applicable, issue resolution, continuous improvement, general expectations, and other agreements reached between the Applicant and the
FAA that further Applicant maturity.

The PSP also helps define the general discipline and methodology to be used in planning and administering certification projects using appropriate procedures. Although the stated procedures are not required, the procedures provide a means to help the Holder/Applicant move toward a more systematic process for conducting projects that the FAA can rely on without having to do direct oversight of the projects.

Partnership for Safety Plan is an umbrella agreement that covers the following specific activity areas:

  • Continued Operational Safety
  • Project Specific Certification Plan
  • Risk Based Level of Project Involvement
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Issues Resolution Process
  • Other as defined by the PSP

Project Specific Certification Plan (PSCP)

Developed based on the needs of the project as defined in paragraph 2-3.d of FAA Order 8110.4, the PSCP must provide clarity for how the Applicant will comply with the regulations. The PSCP is a key tool in meeting the 14 CFR part 21 requirements for the certification and approval of a product.

Test Standard: RTCA-DO-160G

RTCA-DO-160G is the current test standard version to use for equipment certification testing. Everything airborne from small general aviation aircraft and rotary aircraft to large airliners and transport planes must go through DO-160 testing. The DO-160 standard and the EUROCAE ED-14 standard are identically worded. DO-160 standard procedures van be used in either FAA or EASA certification projects. The catergories, procedures, and test parameters are derived from FAA regulations and for most of the procedures there is a direct reference.

DO-160 testing involves a wide range of factors, from humidity and temperature to electrical interference and shock resistance. The standard is intended to cover almost anything that can disrupt the performance of an airborne electrical or electronic device. By undergoing the certification and testing process, a DO-160 compliant device can deliver reliable and accurate operation in any flight condition.

GDS Engineering R&D provides training on the RTCA-DO-160G testing. Part 21 process and all tests in DO-160 are covered in this short two and a half day training.

GDS Systems Engineering V&V Training Courses
Event Calendar

We announce upcoming training on these pages. Due to COVID-19 pandemic situation, we offer only ONLINE training courses for the time being. Please communicate with us if you need a group training, which could be scheduled based on your plans and schedules.

Select the best training from below list that fits to your training needs.

Upcoming Events

Underwater Radiated Noise and Sealife. Powerships and noise emittance. maritime studies

Terrestial and Underwater Radiated Noise from Powerships: Testing and Evaluation

The increase in shipping activity globally has resulted in an increased awareness of impacts on the marine environment. Effects of noise pollution, especially on marine life, have become highly prominent. Marine life is extremely sensitive to noise pollution. Due to their extreme reliance on underwater sounds for basic life functions like searching for food and mate and an absence of any mechanism to safeguard them against it, underwater noise pollution disrupts marine life (Singla, 2020). In short, marine animals depend on sound to live, making and listening to it in various ways to perform various life functions (US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, 2014).

Noise travels much more in water, covering greater distances than it would do on land while travelling through air. Underwater sound has both pressure and particle motion components and hearing can be defined as the relative contribution of each of these sound components to auditory detection (Popper AN, 2011). Sounds radiated from ships are among the underwater noise sources. Among shipborne Underwater Radiated Noise (URN) sources are the following:

  • Propeller’s rotational turn and the blades hitting to water flow lines
  • Propeller’s cavitation
  • Ship hull structure’s interaction water (fluid-structure interaction)
  • Mechanical noises from onboard machinery
Underwater Radiated Noise and Sealife. Powerships and noise emittance. maritime studies
Diagram Illustrating Three Significant Paths of Underwater Noise Generation from Machinery (NCE Report 07-001, 2007).

Click here to read the report generated by NCE (NCE Report 07-001, 2007)

All of these noise sources are radiated to underwater from ships, especially when the ship speed is at higher rates, i.e. above 15 knots.

When a Powership is considered, out of the 4 aforementioned noises, only mechanical noise sources are of concern as there are no noises that emanate from the other three sources because the Powership is docked. Mechanical onboard noises are still of concern and therefore need to be evaluated and tested for the assessment of their potential negative effects to marine life.

GDS Engineering R&D has the capability for measuring the underwater radiated noise and assessment of the results based on the effect to the sealife in the region.

References of GDS Simulator Users
Solution Partners
Maritime Training and Research

GDS Systems Engineering Training Programs. Online Training. Training helps reduce your design and operational risks. We provide MIL-STD-810H, RTCA-DO-160, Vibration and Shock, FAA Requirements Management courses. by Dr Ismail Cicek and a CVE certified by EASA. Tailoring of the MIL-STD-810H test methods and procedures. EUT. Equipment Under Test. Online Classes. US based intructor. US DOD. EASA. FAA. NASA. Miliary Stanrdards. Askeri Test Standartları. Çevresel Test Standart Eğitimi. Eğitim. Acceleration Testing. Aircraft Systems. RTCA-DO-160. Crash Hazard. Korozyon Testleri. Corrosion Tests. Environmental Testing of Products, provided by GDS Engineering R&D, Systems Engineering Products and Solutions. Dr. Ismail Cicek. Product Verification and Validation Courses for Integrated Systems. C-17 Military Aicraft. FAA/EASA. US DoD. Safety First. US Army. US Air Force and US Navy Tailoring Examples for Mission and Environmental Profile. Setting Test Limits and Durations are Explained. How to evaluate test results and mitigate the risk (Risk Assessment Matrix). Aircafft Equipment, Devices, Plugs, Machinary, Engines, Compressors, or Carry-on. European CE Time Schedule. DOT/FAA/AR-08/32. Requirements Engineering Management Handbook. U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration. Tailoring Guidance. Tailoring per MIL-STD-810H Testing. Tailoring for MIL-STD-810H Testing. MIL-STD-810H Tailoring Examples.

MIL-STD-810H Training: “Tailoring is Essential”

MIL-STD-810H, US DOD Test Standard, starts with an important phrase at the beginning paragraph of each of the 28 test methods: “Tailoring is Essential.” It is therefore crucial to understand what this means and how to tailor the test methods for specific equipment, considering the platform, mission, and environmental requirements.

GDS Engineering R&D provides MIL-STD-810H training online or onsite. Performing operations in various parts of the world, we have been providing this course to the defence industry strategists, leaders, program managers, projects managers, designers, and test engineers for more than 10 years. With long years of background in test projects in the USA and Turkey, Dr. Cicek, the main lecturer of this training, explains the tailoring concepts with specific examples.

This course provides with information and knowledge of experience on how to develop Concepts of Operations (CONOPS) document and Lice Cycle Environmental Profile (LCEP) to derive operational therefore test requirements for the Equipment Under Test (EUT). Understading the tailoring part of MIL-STD-810H is probably the most important aspect of this test standard training, due to the following reasons:

  • Developing a test plan for MIL-STD-810H equipment testing might be a confusing and time consuming process.
  • Training will provide an understanding into why and when CONOPS document is needed and how test requirements are established along with Mission and Environmental profiles of the EUT. These are all covered by both presentations and specific product examples through discussions during the training sessions.
  • In test method discussions, the instructor discuss “what items” (i.e. test levels) and “how” they will be tailored with specific examples.

Test methods, i.e. temperature, humidity, temperature shock, require mission and environmental profiles are established for successfully determining the test levels, durations, and criteria for pass or fail.

Consider the following for tailoring

A Generalized Task Statement for Tailoring: Condider the environmental effects. An example list is provided with a list below. Develop exposure curves considering exposure scenarios. For this, use/develop CONOPS document and generate a Life Cycle Environmental Profile (LCEP).

  • Environmental effects (temperature, humidity, icing, etc.) to the equipment in different operational modes: i.e. transportation, operation, and stand-by. Condider these effects with scenarious and develop exposure curves.
  • Equipment vulnarabilities under the environmental/operational conditions.
  • Effects caused by the platform operations (vibrations, shock, etc.)
  • The effect due to the platform environment; various conditions in the section the equipment will be operating. For example, the equipment might be exposed to fluid contamination in the section where it will be installed.
  • Equipment’s effect to the environment and systems (EMI, vibrations, fluid contamination, fire and flammability, etc.)
  • Consider risks of operational breakdowns with “what if” scenarios.
GDS MIL-STD-810H Training: Scope and Contents
  • A good understanding of product testing in view of MIL-STD-810G/H and other relevant military standards.
  • Overview of Systems Engineering, V&V, and Concepts of Operations (CONOPS) document.
  • Establishment of Test Requirements and Test Plans.
  • Test Procedures, Scheduling, Implementation, and Test Reports.
  • Tests are covered in detail per MIL-STD-810. Altitude, temperature, humidity, shock, vibration, acceleration, salt fog, explosive atmosphere, etc..
  • Some of the MIL-STD-810H test methods are covered briefly; however, we ensure all questions are answered for each test method.
  • Cases studies, sample reports and discussions on issues.
  • Design issues and test failure discussions.
  • Risk management for test results and acceptance criteria.
  • Design Recommendations.

Read more information in our MIL-STD-810H Training pages.

GDS Systems Engineering V&V Training Courses
Event Calendar

We announce upcoming training on these pages. Due to COVID-19 pandemic situation, we offer only ONLINE training courses for the time being. Please communicate with us if you need a group training, which could be scheduled based on your plans and schedules.

Select the best training from below list that fits to your training needs.

Upcoming Events