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Electronical Control Systems: Ship Main Propulsion Marine Engines. Online Training for Operation of ME type engine control systems [Online, 3 days, with Simulator Use]

March 14 @ 8:30 am March 16 @ 4:30 pm

This training is for operational understanding and hands on applications for the Electronically Controlled Engines used as a main propulsion ship engine. It is an Online Training for the operation and management of ME type engine control systems with the use of a Multi Purpose Controller (MPC) and an Engine Room Simulator with ME type engine.

Multi-Purpose Controller (MPC) used in GDS ME Controlled Engine Training with the ERS Use SERS™. SIRE 2.0 training. This training is for operational understanding and hands on applications for the Electronically Controlled Engines used as a main propulsion ship engine. It is an Online Training for the operation and management of ME type engine control systems with the use of a Multi Purpose Controller (MPC) and an Engine Room Simulator with ME type engine.
Figure 1. Multi-Purpose Controller (MPC) used in the training.

Electronically controlled marine diesel engines were designed especially in the 2000s in order to meet the requirements of MARPOL Annex VI to reduce ship-borne air pollution and ensure energy efficiency. With the development of the working conditions of traditional marine diesel engines, the training of responsible shift engineers has become an important need.
Minimization of human error and minimization of risks will be through familiarity with the failure scenarios to be experienced. In this sense, SERS™ engine room simulator training will be an important opportunity to prevent accidents resulting in material and life losses for ship personnel and companies with various scenarios such as possible malfunctions, routine operations and emergency scenarios.

Figure 2. Ship Engine Room Simulator used in the Electronically Controlled Engine training. A view from Istanbul Technical University Simulator Center – An ongoing ERS training.

With the training designed as Basic Level (2 days) and Advanced Level (1 day), it is aimed to provide important information on topics such as the operation of electronically controlled marine diesel engines, possible malfunctions, and performance analysis. GDS Mühendislik ARGE has provided a solution to this training need, which is increasing day by day in global maritime trade, and aimed to increase the training efficiency by strengthening this solution with simulator and MPC applications.

$1500.00 USD/person