MIL-STD-704F: Online Training on Aircraft Electric Power Characteristics

January 28, 2022 @ 9:00 am January 29, 2022 @ 5:00 pm

This training is full! Review the training courses at GDS Systems Engineering Training Courses. Organized by TRTEST Test ve Değerlendirme A.Ş., Ankara, Turkey. Electrical/Electronic systems for US DoD aircraft must comply with MIL-STD-704F, the latest version of the standard. Equipment must pass this comprehensive testing to demonstrate compliance. We provide a 2 day online training course with two experienced instructors on the subject. We can open the course as an online and closed course or you can simply join to one of our upcoming training events. Thank you for your interest.  

Reserved for an Organization – (Please Review Calendar for other OPEN training programs

Mitigate your risks before they actually happen MIL-STD-810H Training STD-461 RTCA-DO-160G (1)

RTCA-DO-160G: Training on Environmental and EMI/EMC Testing of Airborne Equipment (FAA/EASA Test Requirements) | Online/Live | International (EN)

February 11, 2022 @ 8:00 am February 13, 2022 @ 12:30 pm CET

Cost: USD760.00

Mitigate your risks before they actually happen MIL-STD-810H Training STD-461 RTCA-DO-160G (1)
GDS Engineering R&D, Inc. is an official member of RTCA Organization.

GDS Engineering R&D, Inc. is an official member of the RTCA Organization.

RTCA-DO-160G Online Training, FAA/EASA Equipment Test Requirements. This training is an important step for testing and certifying your products in accordance with the FAA/EASA test requirements.

2.5 Days, Hands-on, “Online” or “Onsite” Training Class. Led by live, two instructors.

Training Schedule and Execution Type
  • Training Type: International / Online
  • Satus: Seats are avaiable now.
  • Online training using ZOOM.
  • Led by a live, U.S. based instructor (Dr Ismail Cicek) (PDF) (Download PDF)
  • A usual 2.5 days of training schedule is as follows:
      • 1st Day: 09:00 – 13:00
    • 2nd Day: 09:00 – 17:00 (Lunch Break between 12:30 and 13:30)
    • 3rd Day: 09:00 – 17:00 (Lunch Break between 12:30 and 13:30)
    • Time zone: Central Daylight Time (US CDT, UTC-5)
  • Ending time may vary+/-30 minutes depending on the length of the discussions.
  • Course Material: English
  • Comm. Language: English
  • Material: Registration includes all presentations and additional material (English) shared before the class.
  • Attandance: The link for online class is distributed to registered trainees upon registration.
  • Attendees will receive a Training Certificate.
  • Training includes knowledge check quizzes, a competition type fun way or learning.

Click to read detail information about this training:

Dowload the PDF File: RTCA-DO-160G Training Description.PDF

Here is a Summary Information:

International Training with a focus on the test standard document
“RTCA-DO-160G Environmental Conditions
and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment
© 2010, RTCA, Inc.”

This training is an important step for
testing and certifying your products in accordance with the FAA/EASA test requirements.

  • A good understanding of product testing in view of RTCA-DO-160G
  • Overview of Systems Engineering, V&V, and Concepts of Operations (CONOPS) document and relations with RTCA-DO-160 testing
  • Part 21 and FAA/EASA Regulations
  • Test Requirement Reference
  • Test Category Selections
  • Test Procedures, Scheduling, Test Implementation and Review of Test Reports
  • Test Sections (Environmental & EMI/EMC): All test sections are covered with detail discussions except several tests, such as Fungus Tesing and Waterproofness are discussed in summary with important aspects.
  • Discussions include design issues, test failures, and recommendations
  • A session with Risk Management Method includes how to resolve a test result that may not be a failure, i.e. anomalies., with a process that we recommend.
  • Importance of establishing Integrated Product Team (IPT) or with another name “Test Review Team” for reviewing test plans and results and identifying the next step when issues are encountered.
  • Design Recommendations are emphasized in each test section.
  • Additional or alternative (standards and tests) are recommended for certain cases.
Our Instructors share their experience and knowledge gained by working long years in the field with designing products and performing tests in accordance with such as RTCA-DO-160, MIL-STD-810, and MIL-STD-461. The slides are supported by many graphics and test videos for the efficiency and clarity of the information and each session is planned in accordance with the sections in RTCA-DO-160G.
About the Instructors

The main instructor of the training is Dr Ismail Cicek. An Avionics Chief Engineer (EE) who is also a Certified Verification Engineer (FAA/EASA) also assists the trainings. Our experienced test personnel also becomes avialable for demonstrations and discussions.

A Certified Verification Engineer (CVE) iaw FAA/EASA and with 18 years of experience. He has worked as the avionics systems chief engineer in product development of avionics systems. He is also experienced in the product testing per environmental and EMI/EMC standards and FAA/EASA certification processes.

Our experienced personnel also support our training programs. They are actively participating in the environmental testing of products.

Dr. Ismail Cicek studied PhD in Mechanical Engineering Department at Texas Tech University in Texas, USA. He study included random vibration. He has both industrial and academic experience for over 30 years.

He gained engineering and leadership experience by working in the United States Department of Defence projects and programs as systems development engineer for 15 years. He led the development of various engineering systems for platforms including C-5, C-17, KC-10, KC-135, and C-130 E/H/J.  Dr. Cicek’s experience includes unmanned aerial vehicle development where he utilized the Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Malfunction Data Recorder Analysis Recorder System (MADARS) development for military transport aircraft. 

Dr Cicek worked as the lab chief engineer for five years at the US Air Force Aeromedical Test Lab at WPAFB, OH. He received many important awards at the positions he served, due to the excellent team-work and his detail oriented and energetic personality.  These included Terra Health’s Superior Client Award in 2009 and Engineering Excellence Award in 2010 as well as an appreciation letter from the US Air Force Aeronautical Systems Center (ASC), signed by the commander in charge.

Dr Cicek also established a test lab, called Marine Equipment Test Center (METC) and located at Istanbul Technical University, Tuzla Campus, for testing of equipment per military and civilian standards, such as RTCA-DO-160. Providing engineering, consultancy, and training services to many companies and organizations, Dr. Cicek has gained a great insight into the tailoring of standard test methods in accordance with military standards, guides, and handbooks as well as Life Cycle Environmental Profile LCEP) developed for the equipment under test.

Dr. Cicek also completed various product and research projects, funded in the USA, EU, and Turkey. He is currently teaching at Istanbul Technical University Maritime Faculty, Tuzla/Istanbul. He is the founding manager of the METC in Tuzla Campus of ITU. Meanwhile, he provided engineering services, consultancies, and training to many organizations for product development, engineering research studies such a algorith development, test requirements development, and test plans and executions.

Dr Cicek worked as the Principle Investigator and became a Subject Matter Expert (SME) at the US Air Force Aeromedical Test Lab (WPAFB/OH) for certifying the products to the US Air Force Platform Requirements. He also developed Joint Enroute Care Equipment Test Standard (JECETS) in close work with US Army Test Lab engineers and managers.

Read DAU Paper: “A New Process for the Acceleration Test and Evaluation of Aeromedical Equipment for U.S. Air Force Safe-To-Fly Certification”. Click to display this report.

Connect with Dr Ismail Cicek: Linkedin Page

Click here to read more about Dr Cicek’s professional studies.

Training Registration Request Form

Please fill out the following form for asking your question or with a registration request. Thank you for your interest in our training programs.

[contact-form-7 id=”229″ title=”Training Request Form 1″]

Online Training via ZOOM

ZOOM Link and Training Material will be shared with the registrants
View Venue Website
Global Dynamic Systems. GDS Systems Engineering Training Programs. Simulators. Engine Room Simulator (ERS). Ship. Electrical Systems Simulator. Physics Lab. UH60. Amphibious. Ground Vehicles. Military Training Programs. MIL-STD-810H Online Training. Environmental Testing of Military Products. Training helps reduce your design and operational risks. We provide MIL-STD-810H, RTCA-DO-160, Vibration and Shock, FAA Requirements Management courses. by Dr Ismail Cicek and a CVE certified by EASA. Ship Engine Room Simulator (ERS) SERS GDS Engineering R&D IMO STCW 2010, Engine Performance, Main Diesel Engine, Marine, Maritime, IMO Model Course 2.07. Certified by Class NK. ITU Maritime Faculty. Yıldız Technical University. Competencies. Operation and Management Level. Education and Training. Assessment of Marine Engineers. Troubleshooting with Fault Tree Scnearious and Analysis Reporting. Maritime. Marine Engineering.

GDS Engineering R&D, Inc. | Global Dynamic Systems, Inc.

In short, “GDS” develops simulator products for maritime education and training and provides Systems Engineering training courses in defense and aviation.

About Simulators

Especially for use in maritime training, GDS has developed a Ship Engine Room Simulator (SERS) and supports it as the main product, along with similar simulators. The main product of GDS, Ship Engine Room Simulator (SERS™), has been trademarked and certified by ClassNK, an international maritime certification agency. SERS has started to be used in important maritime education institutions such as Yıldız Technical University, OneYachts (Malta), and Istanbul Technical University (ITU) Maritime Faculty. In addition to SERS, GDS has developed other maritime training simulators, such as the Ship Electrical Systems Simulator,r and continues its work.

GDS also provides project-specific, knowledge—and experience-based consultancy services in the maritime sector. The TÜBİTAK project of ARKAS BIMAR and the study on Machine Learning are ongoing. He has conducted a study on the measurement and analysis of noise emitted into the sea for a ship belonging to Karadeniz Holding (Karpowership) and an internationally valid report study. Our services to the maritime sector continue with similar engineering and consultancy studies.

About Systems Engineering Training Programs

GDS personnel for the Aviation Sector provide training on the RTCA-DO-160G Environmental Test Standard and provide services on test plans and test management according to this standard.

With vast experience and expertise in defense systems development and certification in the USA, GDS also provides MIL-STD-810H training, which is very important in the Defense Sector. So far, GDS provided training to more than 1000 individuals and over 150 organizations globally.

GDS Personnel

GDS personnel also consist of academic staff at ITU Maritime Faculty and provide testing, consultancy, and engineering services within the scope of university-industry collaborations at ITU Maritime Test Application and Research Center (ITU DETAM). The ITU Marine Equipment Test Center (METC), known in English, can perform environmental tests such as vibration, temperature, icing, dropping, stacking, internal pressure, pulling, notch, sealing, and salt fog.

GDS is led by Dr Ismail Cicek, who has more than 30 years of experience in the Maritime Education and Training, Defense, and Aviation sectors.

GDS continues to contribute to global studies with its products and knowledge-experience potential.

Worldwide, Online, for ‘Groups’ or ‘Individuals’

Training on

Training on
EMI/EMC Testing
(per RTCA-DO-160 & MIL-STD-461)

Training on
Vibration and Shock

Training on
Systems Engineering

Training on

Training on
MIL-STD-461G EMI/EMC Testing
(incl. MIL-STD-464)

Training on
Requirements Management

Training on
Aircraft Electrical Interface


We have provided training and test consultancy services to more than 120 companies and organizations and over 1000 individual trainees so far.

References of GDS Simulator Users
Solution Partners
Maritime Training and Research

GDS Systems Engineering Training Programs. Online Training. Training helps reduce your design and operational risks. We provide MIL-STD-810H, RTCA-DO-160, Vibration and Shock, FAA Requirements Management courses. by Dr Ismail Cicek and a CVE certified by EASA. Tailoring of the MIL-STD-810H test methods and procedures. EUT. Equipment Under Test. Online Classes. US based intructor. US DOD. EASA. FAA. NASA. Miliary Stanrdards. Askeri Test Standartları. Çevresel Test Standart Eğitimi. Eğitim. Acceleration Testing. Aircraft Systems. RTCA-DO-160. Crash Hazard. Korozyon Testleri. Corrosion Tests. Environmental Testing of Products, provided by GDS Engineering R&D, Systems Engineering Products and Solutions. Dr. Ismail Cicek. Product Verification and Validation Courses for Integrated Systems. C-17 Military Aicraft. FAA/EASA. US DoD. Safety First. US Army. US Air Force and US Navy Tailoring Examples for Mission and Environmental Profile. Setting Test Limits and Durations are Explained. How to evaluate test results and mitigate the risk (Risk Assessment Matrix). Aircafft Equipment, Devices, Plugs, Machinary, Engines, Compressors, or Carry-on. European CE Time Schedule. DOT/FAA/AR-08/32. Requirements Engineering Management Handbook. U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration. Tailoring Guidance. Tailoring per MIL-STD-810H Testing. Tailoring for MIL-STD-810H Testing. MIL-STD-810H Tailoring Examples. Acceleration and Shock Tests, Sled Testing.

Do you need to perform acceleration testing of your military products or systems for specific platforms?

Acceleration, as addressed in MIL-STD-810G Method 513.6 (Department of Defense, 2009), is a load factor (inertial load or “g” load) that is applied slowly enough and held steady for a period of time such that the materiel has sufficient time to fully distribute the resulting internal loads to all critical joints and components.

The common methods used to expose equipment to a sustained acceleration load are centrifuge and track/rocket-powered-sled testing.

However, both methods impose limitations on AE equipment testing. For example, the costs required and the scheduling, planning, and coordination phases associated with the use of these types of test
facilities are often prohibitive. In some cases, centrifuges and track/rocket sleds may limit the orientations at which the test article can be mounted for testing. To maintain validity, all AE devices are tested under the same mounting configuration as intended for operational use. Finally, due to the often expensive and delicate nature of medical devices, insufficient inventories often prevent the use of these tests due to their somewhat destructive nature.

Because of the difficulties associated with physical dynamic testing, the ATB team initially turned to Finite Element Analysis (FEA) as the method of choice for meeting acceleration test requirements.

MIL-STD-810H Training. Acceleration Testing. Aircraft Systems. RTCA-DO-160. Crash Hazard.

Recent technological advances in microcomputing and higher resolution graphics capabilities allowed complex systems to be modeled and simulated for both static and dynamic tests.

The FEA techniques were already used by others for various aircraft structures and devices. For example, Foster and Sarwade (2005) performed an FEA of a structure that attached medical devices to a litter. This structure was later approved as STF. Continuing on the same theme, Lawrence, Fasanella, Tabiei, Brinkley, and Shemwell (2008) studied a crash test dummy model for NASA’s Orion
crew module landings using FEA. Viisoreanu, Rutman, and Cassatt (1999) reported their findings for the analysis of the aircraft cargo net barrier using FEA. Furthermore, Motevalli and Noureddine (1998)
used an FEA model of a fuselage section to simulate the aircraft cabin environment in air turbulence. These and similar studies demonstrated the successful use of the FEA method to verify requirements
by analysis for an acceleration test.

Given the costs associated with dynamic testing, the ATB originally envisioned using the FEA method to alleviate budget and inventory concerns. To test this theory, the ATB employed FEA for testing various AE structures to meet the acceleration requirements and found some aspects of this method to be cost- and time-prohibitive.

Lessons learned from these studies are provided in the case-studies section. The various types of analysis and test methods raise questions as to what the correct decision process is for selecting the most appropriate method for STF testing of AE equipment.

RTCA-DO-160 Fire and Flammability Training. MIL-STD-810H. Risks and Assessment Techniques.

The authors of this article describe the process developed and employed by the ATB for the acceleration testing of AE equipment since June 2008.

The ATB’s process has proven to be well suited for identifying the most appropriate test method—one that not only represents the most appropriate and effective test method, but also minimizes the use of available resources. This process includes testing both structurally simple and complex equipment and successfully introducing the use of the Equivalent Load Testing (ELT) method, which permits
the use of alternative testing approaches, such as pull testing and tensile testing.

GDS Systems Engineering V&V Training Courses
Event Calendar

We announce upcoming training on these pages. Due to COVID-19 pandemic situation, we offer only ONLINE training courses for the time being. Please communicate with us if you need a group training, which could be scheduled based on your plans and schedules.

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