GDS Systems Engineering Training Programs. Online Training. Training helps reduce your design and operational risks. We provide MIL-STD-810H, RTCA-DO-160, Vibration and Shock, FAA Requirements Management courses. by Dr Ismail Cicek and a CVE certified by EASA. Tailoring of the MIL-STD-810H test methods and procedures. EUT. Equipment Under Test. Online Classes. US based intructor. US DOD. EASA. FAA. NASA. Miliary Stanrdards. Askeri Test Standartları. Çevresel Test Standart Eğitimi. Eğitim. Acceleration Testing. Aircraft Systems. RTCA-DO-160. Crash Hazard. Korozyon Testleri. Corrosion Tests. Environmental Testing of Products, provided by GDS Engineering R&D, Systems Engineering Products and Solutions. Dr. Ismail Cicek. Product Verification and Validation Courses for Integrated Systems. C-17 Military Aicraft. FAA/EASA. US DoD. Safety First. US Army. US Air Force and US Navy Tailoring Examples for Mission and Environmental Profile. Setting Test Limits and Durations are Explained. How to evaluate test results and mitigate the risk (Risk Assessment Matrix). Aircafft Equipment, Devices, Plugs, Machinary, Engines, Compressors, or Carry-on. European CE Time Schedule. DOT/FAA/AR-08/32. Requirements Engineering Management Handbook. U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration. Tailoring Guidance. Tailoring per MIL-STD-810H Testing. Tailoring for MIL-STD-810H Testing. MIL-STD-810H Tailoring Examples.

MIL-STD-810H Training: “Tailoring is Essential”

MIL-STD-810H, US DOD Test Standard, starts with an important phrase at the beginning paragraph of each of the 28 test methods: “Tailoring is Essential.” It is therefore crucial to understand what this means and how to tailor the test methods for specific equipment, considering the platform, mission, and environmental requirements.

GDS Engineering R&D provides MIL-STD-810H training online or onsite. Performing operations in various parts of the world, we have been providing this course to the defence industry strategists, leaders, program managers, projects managers, designers, and test engineers for more than 10 years. With long years of background in test projects in the USA and Turkey, Dr. Cicek, the main lecturer of this training, explains the tailoring concepts with specific examples.

This course provides with information and knowledge of experience on how to develop Concepts of Operations (CONOPS) document and Lice Cycle Environmental Profile (LCEP) to derive operational therefore test requirements for the Equipment Under Test (EUT). Understading the tailoring part of MIL-STD-810H is probably the most important aspect of this test standard training, due to the following reasons:

  • Developing a test plan for MIL-STD-810H equipment testing might be a confusing and time consuming process.
  • Training will provide an understanding into why and when CONOPS document is needed and how test requirements are established along with Mission and Environmental profiles of the EUT. These are all covered by both presentations and specific product examples through discussions during the training sessions.
  • In test method discussions, the instructor discuss “what items” (i.e. test levels) and “how” they will be tailored with specific examples.

Test methods, i.e. temperature, humidity, temperature shock, require mission and environmental profiles are established for successfully determining the test levels, durations, and criteria for pass or fail.

Consider the following for tailoring

A Generalized Task Statement for Tailoring: Condider the environmental effects. An example list is provided with a list below. Develop exposure curves considering exposure scenarios. For this, use/develop CONOPS document and generate a Life Cycle Environmental Profile (LCEP).

  • Environmental effects (temperature, humidity, icing, etc.) to the equipment in different operational modes: i.e. transportation, operation, and stand-by. Condider these effects with scenarious and develop exposure curves.
  • Equipment vulnarabilities under the environmental/operational conditions.
  • Effects caused by the platform operations (vibrations, shock, etc.)
  • The effect due to the platform environment; various conditions in the section the equipment will be operating. For example, the equipment might be exposed to fluid contamination in the section where it will be installed.
  • Equipment’s effect to the environment and systems (EMI, vibrations, fluid contamination, fire and flammability, etc.)
  • Consider risks of operational breakdowns with “what if” scenarios.
GDS MIL-STD-810H Training: Scope and Contents
  • A good understanding of product testing in view of MIL-STD-810G/H and other relevant military standards.
  • Overview of Systems Engineering, V&V, and Concepts of Operations (CONOPS) document.
  • Establishment of Test Requirements and Test Plans.
  • Test Procedures, Scheduling, Implementation, and Test Reports.
  • Tests are covered in detail per MIL-STD-810. Altitude, temperature, humidity, shock, vibration, acceleration, salt fog, explosive atmosphere, etc..
  • Some of the MIL-STD-810H test methods are covered briefly; however, we ensure all questions are answered for each test method.
  • Cases studies, sample reports and discussions on issues.
  • Design issues and test failure discussions.
  • Risk management for test results and acceptance criteria.
  • Design Recommendations.

Read more information in our MIL-STD-810H Training pages.

GDS Systems Engineering V&V Training Courses
Event Calendar

We announce upcoming training on these pages. Due to COVID-19 pandemic situation, we offer only ONLINE training courses for the time being. Please communicate with us if you need a group training, which could be scheduled based on your plans and schedules.

Select the best training from below list that fits to your training needs.

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GDS Systems Engineering Training Programs. Online Training. Training helps reduce your design and operational risks. We provide MIL-STD-810H, RTCA-DO-160, Vibration and Shock, FAA Requirements Management courses. by Dr Ismail Cicek and a CVE certified by EASA. Tailoring of the MIL-STD-810H test methods and procedures. EUT. Equipment Under Test. Online Classes. US based intructor. US DOD. EASA. FAA. NASA. Miliary Stanrdards. Askeri Test Standartları. Çevresel Test Standart Eğitimi. Eğitim. Acceleration Testing. Aircraft Systems. RTCA-DO-160. Crash Hazard. Korozyon Testleri. Corrosion Tests. Environmental Testing of Products, provided by GDS Engineering R&D, Systems Engineering Products and Solutions. Dr. Ismail Cicek. Product Verification and Validation Courses for Integrated Systems. C-17 Military Aicraft. FAA/EASA. US DoD. Safety First. US Army. US Air Force and US Navy Tailoring Examples for Mission and Environmental Profile. Setting Test Limits and Durations are Explained. How to evaluate test results and mitigate the risk (Risk Assessment Matrix). Aircafft Equipment, Devices, Plugs, Machinary, Engines, Compressors, or Carry-on. European CE Time Schedule.

Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) of Marine Devices and Electrical Equipment

Devices used onboard a ship are exposed to harsh electromagnetic environments, whether in the propulsion, deck or bridge area of a ship. Testing of such devices for Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) is therefore very important. Otherwise, manufacturers can face difficulties during the certification and procurement stages.

EMC testing and certification  services to ensure your marine products comply with relevant international standards and regulations is a MUST!

GDS Engineering R&D does not perform these tests yet; however, have the information on design and test knowledge. The requirements include the international conventions as agreed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) for Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS).

Currently, we have observed that these tests are conducted by reputable agencies like ELEMENT.

The testing laboratories use the following standards to test the marine electronic, digital or electrical devices for certification to IMO SOLAS requirements, guidance, or recommendations:

  • IEC 60945
  • IEC 60533
  • Lloyds Register Test Spec No 1
  • DNV Certification Notes 2.4
  • IEC 60092

Click this link to read more about ELEMENT’s advertisements.  Element also provides the following additional information in their website:

Support and guidance from the initial design stage

The use of composite materials in ship construction together with new radio technologies and high power electronics are changing the requirements and design goals that need to be achieved to ensure electromagnetic compatibility.  Element is well placed with our knowledge of both standards and the target environment to provide detailed guidance of the best compliance strategies to adopt for your marine products.

CE Marking and Wheel Mark certification

Element performs EMC testing in conjunction with climatic and environmental test requirements to meet dedicated marine standards and be compliant with CE marking legislation. We make sure your marine equipment complies with the relevant EMC standards listed in the Marine Equipment Directive to help you achieve the Wheel Mark certification.

EMC test plans
Online Training on MIL-STD-810H, RTCA-DO-160, MIL-STD-461G, MIL-STD-704 Environmental Testing of Products, provided by GDS Engineering R&D, Systems Engineering Products and Solutions. Training Led by a Live US-based Sr. Instructor: Dr. Ismail Cicek. Product Verification and Validation Courses for Integrated Systems. C-17 Military Aicraft. FAA/EASA. US DoD. Safety First. US Army. US Air Force and US Navy Tailoring Examples for Mission and Environmental Profile. Setting Test Limits and Durations are Explained. How to evaluate test results and mitigate the risk (Risk Assessment Matrix). Aircafft Equipment, Devices, Plugs, Machinary, Engines, Compressors, or Carry-on. European CE Time Schedule. FAA Requirements Management. Efficient way of learning. Continues Education. Class Material.

Our test facilities for both EMC and environmental provide a comprehensive portfolio of tests to ensure that whatever your marine equipment is, and no matter where it’s located, we have a test solution that matches your needs.

Coordinated approach to testing for global market access

Our expertise comes from testing thousands of different products every year, and our industry-leading capacity allows us appropriate coordination of testing, so your marine equipment meets common standards of safety and performance across the EU and is accepted for entry into world markets.

For more information, we currently advice you contact with Element support desk.

GDS Systems Engineering Training Programs. Online Training. Training helps reduce your design and operational risks. We provide MIL-STD-810H, RTCA-DO-160, Vibration and Shock, FAA Requirements Management courses. by Dr Ismail Cicek and a CVE certified by EASA. Tailoring of the MIL-STD-810H test methods and procedures. EUT. Equipment Under Test. Online Classes. US based intructor. US DOD. EASA. FAA. NASA. Miliary Stanrdards. Askeri Test Standartları. Çevresel Test Standart Eğitimi. Eğitim. Acceleration Testing. Aircraft Systems. RTCA-DO-160. Crash Hazard. Korozyon Testleri. Corrosion Tests. Environmental Testing of Products, provided by GDS Engineering R&D, Systems Engineering Products and Solutions. Dr. Ismail Cicek. Product Verification and Validation Courses for Integrated Systems. C-17 Military Aicraft. FAA/EASA. US DoD. Safety First. US Army. US Air Force and US Navy Tailoring Examples for Mission and Environmental Profile. Setting Test Limits and Durations are Explained. How to evaluate test results and mitigate the risk (Risk Assessment Matrix). Aircafft Equipment, Devices, Plugs, Machinary, Engines, Compressors, or Carry-on. European CE Time Schedule. DOT/FAA/AR-08/32. Requirements Engineering Management Handbook. U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration. Tailoring Guidance. Tailoring per MIL-STD-810H Testing. Tailoring for MIL-STD-810H Testing. MIL-STD-810H Tailoring Examples. Acceleration and Shock Tests, Sled Testing.

Do you need to perform acceleration testing of your military products or systems for specific platforms?

Acceleration, as addressed in MIL-STD-810G Method 513.6 (Department of Defense, 2009), is a load factor (inertial load or “g” load) that is applied slowly enough and held steady for a period of time such that the materiel has sufficient time to fully distribute the resulting internal loads to all critical joints and components.

The common methods used to expose equipment to a sustained acceleration load are centrifuge and track/rocket-powered-sled testing.

However, both methods impose limitations on AE equipment testing. For example, the costs required and the scheduling, planning, and coordination phases associated with the use of these types of test
facilities are often prohibitive. In some cases, centrifuges and track/rocket sleds may limit the orientations at which the test article can be mounted for testing. To maintain validity, all AE devices are tested under the same mounting configuration as intended for operational use. Finally, due to the often expensive and delicate nature of medical devices, insufficient inventories often prevent the use of these tests due to their somewhat destructive nature.

Because of the difficulties associated with physical dynamic testing, the ATB team initially turned to Finite Element Analysis (FEA) as the method of choice for meeting acceleration test requirements.

MIL-STD-810H Training. Acceleration Testing. Aircraft Systems. RTCA-DO-160. Crash Hazard.

Recent technological advances in microcomputing and higher resolution graphics capabilities allowed complex systems to be modeled and simulated for both static and dynamic tests.

The FEA techniques were already used by others for various aircraft structures and devices. For example, Foster and Sarwade (2005) performed an FEA of a structure that attached medical devices to a litter. This structure was later approved as STF. Continuing on the same theme, Lawrence, Fasanella, Tabiei, Brinkley, and Shemwell (2008) studied a crash test dummy model for NASA’s Orion
crew module landings using FEA. Viisoreanu, Rutman, and Cassatt (1999) reported their findings for the analysis of the aircraft cargo net barrier using FEA. Furthermore, Motevalli and Noureddine (1998)
used an FEA model of a fuselage section to simulate the aircraft cabin environment in air turbulence. These and similar studies demonstrated the successful use of the FEA method to verify requirements
by analysis for an acceleration test.

Given the costs associated with dynamic testing, the ATB originally envisioned using the FEA method to alleviate budget and inventory concerns. To test this theory, the ATB employed FEA for testing various AE structures to meet the acceleration requirements and found some aspects of this method to be cost- and time-prohibitive.

Lessons learned from these studies are provided in the case-studies section. The various types of analysis and test methods raise questions as to what the correct decision process is for selecting the most appropriate method for STF testing of AE equipment.

RTCA-DO-160 Fire and Flammability Training. MIL-STD-810H. Risks and Assessment Techniques.

The authors of this article describe the process developed and employed by the ATB for the acceleration testing of AE equipment since June 2008.

The ATB’s process has proven to be well suited for identifying the most appropriate test method—one that not only represents the most appropriate and effective test method, but also minimizes the use of available resources. This process includes testing both structurally simple and complex equipment and successfully introducing the use of the Equivalent Load Testing (ELT) method, which permits
the use of alternative testing approaches, such as pull testing and tensile testing.

GDS Systems Engineering V&V Training Courses
Event Calendar

We announce upcoming training on these pages. Due to COVID-19 pandemic situation, we offer only ONLINE training courses for the time being. Please communicate with us if you need a group training, which could be scheduled based on your plans and schedules.

Select the best training from below list that fits to your training needs.

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About Requirements Management Training

Although this training is not mandatory, it is one of the most important training item in the systems engineering area.

Statistics show that 55% of project failures are due to requirements. Some requirements may have missing information, some are poorly written to understand how they may objectively be tested, or some might include other issues.

The problems in the requirements are usually detected at the end of the project, in testing phase, which may cause your project end unsuccessfuly.

Visit our training programs on systems engineering and testing. Understanding what failures you might face to are explained!

Training on Systems Engineering